Galerie Pierre
Arts Design
69 rue de Turenne – 75003 Paris
After a career in finance management of large IT groups, I decided to realize my lifelong dream by opening a gallery: the Pierre Arts and Design gallery.
I want to share my taste and passion for furniture and the arts, presenting a selection of high quality furniture, mainly Danish from the 50s and 60s as well as various and sometimes surprising objects (ceramics, lighting, tableware).
I will also invite contemporary artists to exhibit their works in order to promote them on the Parisian scene and to create a refined atmosphere in the gallery by making concrete the relationship between art and furniture.

The golden age of Danish design
We therefore mainly present the work of designers such as Hans J. Wegner, Borge Mogensen, Peter Hvidt & Olga Morgaard, Ole Wanscher, Arne Vodder etc … who have applied these ideas to the standards of artisanal production and small quality industrial series.
Combined with this I will also regularly present vintage furniture from other designers whose creative and production qualities are at the same high standards and whose styles seem to us to blend harmoniously with the golden age of Danish design. Indeed, our aesthetic research leads us to favor harmonious combinations of styles rather than an approach centered on a single style.

Thus we show lighting from designers such as Alain Richard, Etienne Fermigier, Italian designers, furniture from American and Dutch designers (Martin Visser, Cees Braakman) that we marry with objects (ceramics, tableware) from various origins as well. French as well as African, Japanese or also of course Scandinavian.
At the same time, exhibitions by contemporary artists will create an aesthetic dynamism in the gallery by establishing a dialogue between art and furniture.